Auditions: The Liar
Auditions: The Liar
Open auditions October 6 and 7 for:
The Liar
By David Ives
Adapted from the comedy by Pierre Corneille
Director: Les Campbell
Performances: November 29 – December 15, 2024
Auditions: October 6-8, 2024
About the show:
Dorante is a charming and handsome young fellow with one flaw: He can't tell the truth! On arriving in Paris, Dorante quickly meets his new manservant Cliton (who can't tell a lie!), and falls for the lovely Clarice (who he mistakes for her best friend Lucrece). Dorante spins a series of lies trying to keep Clarice, Lucrcece, his best friend Alcippe and his father Geronte all happy, but each lie he tells gives birth to two more. Can he keep his stories straight long enough to keep everyone in the dark and still get the girl?
About the auditions:
We'll do cold readings from the script. Looking for five men (three 20s to 40s, one 50s to 70s, one 20s to 60s) and three women (two 20s to 30s, one 20s to 50s) with rapid-fire comic chops. Ability to perform a pratfall or to play an instrument a bonus! Helps if you know what pentameter is.
No. of Women: 3
Age Range: Two 20s to 30s, one 20s to 50s
No. of Men: 5
Age Range: Three 20s to 40s, one 50s to 70s, one 20s to 60s